Book Review: And So Can You

"And So Can You" is authored by Dr. Roopleen and this is her debut novel. Being a doctor, writing in itself is unusual. She is a rare combination of being a doctor, writer, prolific reader and a motivational speaker.

I am sure the doctor hadn't "written" but typed the book :) Otherwise, the handwriting would have been a challenge! Jokes apart, this book is a collection of 17 inspirational stories of doctors, their struggles and how they emerged victorious.

Since its an accumulation of various stories, it always keeps you holding. The difficult profession of being a doctor and surviving through day to day struggles is something which we who belong to other professions can never understand. Like the author wrote in the introduction, if you want to read a book which is never written, write it yourself. You rarely get to read "stories" about medical profession. This book is not only for doctors but for everyone to get inspired from. The book is not for a one time read but one that we can go back again and again to draw motivation, stories which remind how very ordinary people can reach great heights of success with focus, hard work, and determination.

I liked the writing skills of the author, meticulous narrations and apt choice of words.

The cover of the book says- "A book every doctor and medical student must read". But after reading this book I believe that everyone must read this book. The reason being not only the amount of motivation it brings, but also depicts the hardships of medicos. They study for a decade to become doctors and they start earning very late in life. Moreover, the life they choose does not comprise of too much comfort. They have to leave behind their pleasures and much of their social life to be in the nobel profession.

All the stories are different from the others, unique in every sense. The best thing is that after every story their are takeaways and advice, like a crux or "moral of the story". This mode of writing is very interesting.

I strongly recommend this book for all the short story lovers, self help book lovers, and those who are ambitious to go via the road seldom taken by others. This book alters the general opinion of people and media about the doctors, that they live a lavish life and charge high fees. Their income brings along a lot of hardships too.

I rate this book 4 on 5. The writing skills and content are highly appreciable.

This review is a part of the biggest Book Review Program for Indian Bloggers. Participate now to get free books!

(PS: the reviews expressed here are based on my personal reading experience, and do not intend to defame, derate or 
degrade the sale or vice-versa for the book.)

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